Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anyone For Dinner?

These just arrived!  So excited to learn to cook food for our new children! In the end they may say "I want pizza", but that's ok!  Anyone want to come to eat the experimenting!



Monday, April 23, 2012

The Master Web

Though we needn't be amazed, Rock and I continue to be awed by how God has woven so many people and events in our lives to point us to international adoption!  Many of you reading this have been a part of this journey and helped mould us into the people that our new children need.   So, in Dec 2011 we started researching agencies....who works where?...what do we do first?....ugh!  Overwhelming and Amazing Fun!  Follow the maze and obstacle course and find the next two or more members of our forever family.....

So Where is Ethiopia anyway ..........

more to come....

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A New Chapter in the Grand Adventure

Rock and Pam

After successfully "launching" 4 children, what middle age couple would start over?  Fall of 2011, Rock and I talked about the fact that neither of us felt that we were "done" parenting.  We felt a strong calling to bring siblings from somewhere into our home and create a larger forever family!  So as we prayed, it became more and more apparent that those siblings would be from Ethiopia...and a new chapter in the Grand Adventure began.....

Please join Rock and I as we walk through the adoption process, find and meet our new children and go to Ehtiopia!

Check back often for updates!!